Adding better DX to the fastest Python Web Framework
socketify now is easier to use and more powerful!
After more than a year of active development, I finally publish my package to PyPI!
pip install socketify
After some people asks to also create a WSGI and ASGI server to improve projects using other frameworks, I worked hard to get it right.
But in the end, we outperform uvicorn and meinheld with Flask, Django, Emmett, FastAPI, and Falcon in TechEmPower plaintext with our WSGI and ASGI servers!
And we got the Top 1 with socketify itself!
Also added a CLI tool with very familiar options for uvicorn and gunicorn users
Also added lifespan (start and shutdown) events to socketify itself, and added an improved DX for routing and support to Extensions/Plugins.
from socketify import App
def run(app: App):
async def on_start():
# we can start connection pools here
async def on_shutdown():
# and here we can clean connection pools
router = app.router()
api = app.router(prefix="/api")
private = app.router("/api", auth_middleware)
def home(res, req):
res.send("Hello, World!")
# will serve in /api/hello
def hello(res, req):
res.send("Hello API!")
# will serve in /api/users and use auth_middleware
def get_users(res, req, auth):
res.send("Hello private API!")
python3 -m socketify main:run --port 8080 --workers 2
About Extensions:
My focus until v0.1.0 now will be to add features to help developers and add more optimizations.
Are there any features that you want to see in the future? I will love to get community feedback!
Issues and Planned Features: